Wednesday, March 08, 2006

El poqueno diablo

Did 4.5 today, legs felt good, hit the coast up tunitas. Legs are coming on strong. I think. Nothing like riding the coast on a weekday, no cars except for the occasional coastal redneck buzzing 2 inches from your handle bars. The coast necks are a funny breed man. They are this mutated liberal neocon, pickup truck with gun rack tree hugger, NIMBY. Oh yeah they start drinking at 9am to. That's cool. I love going into San Gregorio store with the barflys already drinking in the am. Jump in the ol' pick em up, buzz those freaking cyclist. Peace and love baby, that is me.

I have to say this, my example of the rider who has it all together is my man Hernando. Dude is stud straight up. I am not just saying that so he won't rip my legs off, its just that, he is always having fun, always has a smile on his face, no matter how hard he is working. Plus he does cross, and kicks ass! I guess when you win like he does you have alot to smile about, but even pack fill like myself have a hard time doing anything other than breathing and sucking the wheel in front of us. Anyway, props dogg! My brother in ale.

Little man wants a MTB. I gotta get that figured out little el diablo likes the concept of racing but has a hard time with the pain factor, though he is 9. I told him Kramer's first law, "Bike racing is hard, it's suppose to be." He doesn't get that one just yet. Taking tomorrow off the bike to spend 10 hours at a American Heart conference. Yeah, you would think this would be a healthy place, but I am sure this will resemble a weight watchers summit meeting more than a AHA conference.

Well now that Greg Anderson is out of work, maybe he can hook me up. That's the only way I am going to keep up with the likes of Olaf, and "the champ" Nah, just kinding I don't condone that......yet. Dopers suck. Beer of the Blog - Duvel. Hard core Belgian kick ass ale, made by some dudes at a monestary. That rocks.

The top of the hill is nearing
the pain I am no longer fearing
one more effort I try to coax
round and round go the spokes

at the mountain top I pause
alone searching for the cause
what victory do I gain?
racing my ghosts in the rain




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