Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Sittin' on

Well two weeks to go, before I am hop along again. It's kind of funny, I am not planning to race anymore, but I am still training like a mofo. Did the nooner to day. It amazes me how some people ride, I must be getting old. Nobody wants to do a nice little pace line anymore, they all want to make the big "I am on OLN" attack. Then 30 seconds later blow up and get gobbled by the pack. Only to have another fine lad or lass do the same again. If you try to get people going and find yourself on the front you can just assume you will be on your own and no one will pull through. I hate that kind of riding.

Well, Roger Rabbit was out today, some RH villa guy and the rest of the crew. By the end of the ride our group of 30 was now 8ish. Second time up alpine after Bruce pulled us all the way up, Roger made his move. I thought it would be a wise idea to go with him. I was good until the group caught us and then somebody pour gas on the fire. That was it for me. I guess I need to prove something to myself. No wonder I am in therapy, and have been for a while. Hmmmmm.....

How about that president of ours! Yeah, let's put a bunch of National Guard dudes out in the middle of the dessert. Got to protect Mexifornia from all those penniless immigrants. Well at least the guard guys have had their training in Iraq. You know those guys are bummin' hard. I am predicting a serious drop in Guard recruitments. Although I am sure the minuteklansmen will be happy to volunteer. You think Abu Garib was bad. I can't wait to check out flickr for all the photos from the front lines of Mexifornia. Can you say race riot? It is so painful to listen to W. That guy can't even string a simple sentence together. It is like white honkey ebonics. Hope all you Bush voters a happy. Yeah, I remember all the W signs in the front yards and the bumper stickers. Suckers. Thanks. Ha! Four more years. Nothing like giving him a do over. I guess I am little bitter today. It just bums me out how far backwards we have gone. I am not a huge Clinton fan in terms of his choice of women and stuff, but I recall things being a little better then. Why don't we go after the dudes that hire the migrants? Oh no, we can't do that to business, the bosom of the right. Damn, I am starting a rehash now. Funny how good Al Gore is looking right about. He is talking crazy talk, renewable energy, bah! That's Buck Rogers stuff, liberal twinkle toes stuff. Let's go drill in Alaska! Real men use oil!

Happy thoughts, Happy thoughts. God I love this weather, reminds me of.......Home.

Nostalgic orgasmic.
Red Tail Ale,
I am out.


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