Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Blood The Passion

This pass weekend is what cyclocross is all about. The weather was not very cross like but the scene was awesome. The course was hard and challenging. Reward the risk takers and slap down the tenderfoot. That is what it is all about. I learned that Hernando is intimidated. That blows me away, the guy has more jous d' vie than most people, and after a mechanical he came by me and all I could do is watch the train go by and battle it out with my other midpack cohorts. The champ rode a sunday casual to another district crown, and still found fault. Hoefer marking The Brit Ironman all the way to the wire. BJM looking sweet with the chops and glasses, and floating through the sand to easy V. JRob the ultimate athlete not having a great season, but keeping the perspective and seeing the big picture with a heart of gold. The BBQ scene was beautiful. As I was able to sit back and see my real teammates enjoy the smack talk, the brats, the beer, I realized why I wait all year for CX season. It's fun. Pure and simple. The reason I training like an idiot, pouring on intervals stair runs over week, only to fight it out in obscurity in the heart of the bell's curve. Watching it all unfold, the beauty, the chaos, the smiles, the uncertainty, the moment. I curl up my fist, to keep it all in, but it goes faster than I can keep it.

I am wide awake, I am not sleeping


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